Liberating People; Critical Pedagogy on the Revolutionary Thought of Hassan Hanafi
1 - 14
Abstract View: 1207 PDF Download: 415The Relevance of Al-Ghazali’s Tazkiyatun-Nafs Concept With Islamic Education in The Millennial Era.
15 - 30
Abstract View: 1402 PDF Download: 650The Elite Deliberative Democratic Model in The Public Policy Formulation for Madrasah Diniyyah (Islamic Non Formal School) Development in East Java, Indonesia
31 - 50
Abstract View: 1146 PDF Download: 406The Reconstruction of Educational Basis in Homeschooling Group Khoiru Ummah
51 - 74
Abstract View: 1075 PDF Download: 355Estimating the Students’ Skill in Reciting and Writing Alqur’an at Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo
75 - 94
Abstract View: 998 PDF Download: 312Ahmad Dahlan’s Perspective on the Model of Modern Integration of Islamic Education
95 - 120
Abstract View: 1359 PDF Download: 507Spiritualistic Humanistic Communication Strategy on Learning Aqidah Akhlaq at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 1 Yogyakarta, Indonesia
143 - 164
Abstract View: 1264 PDF Download: 399Multicultural Value in the Traditional Islamic Boarding School, Bina Insan Mulia (BIMA), Cirebon, Indonesia
165 - 178
Abstract View: 1287 PDF Download: 352